Adding new windows folders in andLinux

Adding and accessing additional windows drives from Linux:
  • Open the Root Shell Konsole from the Kmenu options
  • Give the user password and log in to the root.
  • create a new folder say winE in the /mnt folder (cmd: " mkdir -p /mnt/winE")
  • Now open the settings.txt ( in my computer it was located at /mnt/and or installation directory\settings.txt e.g. "D:\Program Files\andlinux\settings.txt" ) and add the following line . 
  • "In this case I am adding my E: Drive .You can use vi editor  to add  this line (Click the  LINK for how to use vi Editor)" 
  • open the /etc/fstab (cmd: "vi /etc/fstab" ) and add the following line.
           cofs1 /mnt/winE cofs defaults 0 0
  • Mount all the drives in fstab the drive with the following command ( mount -a -type cofs1)
  • Stop andlinux and restart it.

  •  open Dolphin and navigate to /mnt/winE folder. Now you should be able to access the newly added drive. (You can also right click and select "Add it to Places" for easy access"

  •  Good luck and have fun using andLinux ;-)

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